Peeps Garland

I have been cleaning out my craft room and trying to get it organized, and I had a huge stockpile of colored paper. Since Easter is coming, I decided to make some pretty Peeps garland.

It was pretty easy to make, so I thought I would share the template and how-to, so you can make your own. You just need a few supplies: colored card stock, scissors, an exacto knife, a sharpie, and some 1/8″ ribbon.

Print out this template directly onto the paper.Cut out the individual bunnies.I used 4 different colors, but you could do any colors you like.Once you have a big pile of bunnies, draw on the eyes and nose with a sharpie. It’s fine to have a little bit of variation, real Peeps do too!Then make slits on each ear with your exacto knife.And string the ribbon through the slits, one after another until your garland is as long as you want it to be.

Enjoy your Peeps!